Inventory Forecaster


Make better inventory decisions with Planyard —multichannel or not.

Planyard consolidates your inventory and sales data from all sales channels into one dashboard, making forecasting and managing inventory a cinch. You’ll never over- or under-buy again.

All Products Search Marketplace Item Info Sales $1000 $2000 $4000 $6000 $8000 $10000 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Product Details Replenish
  • FREE 30 days trial
  • Cancel anytime
  • 100% marketplace-compliant
Schedule a demo

Why Planyard

Built for this.

Planyard is designed for multichannel sellers.
Plan all your channels together and get it all at a glance!

Designed for growth

Backed by people.

Talk to your dedicated account manager via email, chat or phone instead of digging through whitepapers.

Designed for growth

Designed for growth.

Planyard works seamlessly with Nineyard’s other modules. Connect whenever you’re ready!

Save $$$. Save time.

  • Avoids overstock and stockouts, and reduces FBA storage cost

  • Better manage your FBA restock limits

  • Detects item trends with custom velocities

  • Automatically generates PO’s

  • Supports mapping kits and bundles

  • Interconnected multichannel data, all in one place

Customize each SKU with precise granularity.

The more data you put in, the more data you get out of it. That’s why Planyard offers next-level control. Add vendors, items, and mappings so the Planyard magic can happen.

All Products Search Marketplace Item Info Save Mappings Product Quantity Avg.Proce SKU Details FBA Type: Standard Edit

Forecast each marketplace channel independently.

Get a zoomed-in forecast of each marketplace —and then zoom out and view data from all of them together. We integrate and monitor sale volume across all channels to predict and determine trends.

Inventory Value $4,434,005.12 Reorder Alerts 12 Items Suggested PO value $12,345.04 A m a z o n A c c o u n t A m a z o n A c c o u n t e B a y A c c o u n t W a l m a r t A c c o u n t

Purchase inventory without guessing.

You’ll feel secure knowing your plans and purchases are backed up by data. With our forecasting model, Planyard will create POs for vendors associated to each SKU you need at that moment. All with one click.

All Products Search Marketplace Item Info Sales Product Details Demand $1000 $2000 $4000 $6000 $8000 $10000 SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT Total suggested Qty to purchase 1200 Stock Purchase

Make enlightened replenishment decisions.

Replenish your FBA stock with the same intelligence and accuracy as purchasing, knowing that you’re avoiding both stockouts and overstock. With predictability comes power!

Products Search Product Select Qty Suggested to Replenish 233 Items Replenish

Ship your boxes out with peace of mind!

Planyard has your back with interconnected marketplace data, item trends, automatically generated PO’s and so much more.

Products Search Product Select Qty Shipments Shipment ID Quantity Status FBA History Date Stock Sold Qty Draft Working Receiving Closed Ship

Planyard versus others



  • Other forecasting solutions...

  • ...versus Planyard.

  • Integrate with a single sales channel
  • Aggregates data for multiple sales channels
  • Use limited and nearsighted data when calculating suggestions
  • Makes intelligent suggestions using diverse and globalized data, factoring in seasonality, up/down trends and more.
  • Calculates the simple average of sales/days, and doesn’t take out-of-stock days into account
  • Takes out-of-stock days into account when presenting data — so you can stock your virtual shelves better and avoid stockouts
  • Don’t make targeted recommendations for each channel instead
  • Make a single stock recommendation based on all your sale channels
  • Don’t allow for kits or bundling
  • Supports bundles and multipacks
  • Show available stock for multi-listed items without considering other listings
  • Recalculates available stock based on multiple listing
  • Don’t factor in item profitability — leading to unprofitable item purchase recommendations.
  • Factors in data like profitability and ignores below minimum sales when suggesting restock recommendations.

NUMBER-CRUNCHING With more data, decisions are a snap to make.

Balance Stock
See Buy Box

Determine whether Amazon’s Buy Box matches your minimum and make faster decisions to ship or skip.

Balance Stock
Adjust to Trends

Instantly pick up sales trends to adjust buying and replenishing decisions and meet the demand.

Balance Stock
Balance Stock

Check your current stock levels at FBA and throughout your own supply line to avoid stockouts and overstock.

Planyard integrates with...

  • sellerCloud
  • sellerCloud
  • sellerCloud
  • sellerCloud
  • sellerCloud
  • sellerCloud
  • sellerCloud
  • sellerCloud

Planyard Pricing

  • Cancel anytime
  • 100% marketplace-compliant


  • Multi-Channel Purchase Forecasting
  • FBA Stock Replenishment
  • Custom Velocities Kits And Bundles
  • Generate Po's & Maintain Basic Inventory

Additional Integrations $49/mo

Get started


  • Multi-Channel Purchase Forecasting
  • FBA Stock Replenishment
  • Custom Velocities Kits And Bundles
  • Generate Po's & Maintain Basic Inventory

Additional Integrations $49/mo

Get started


  • Multi-Channel Purchase Forecasting
  • FBA Stock Replenishment
  • Custom Velocities Kits And Bundles
  • Generate Po's & Maintain Basic Inventory

Additional Integrations $49/mo

Get started


  • Multi-Channel Purchase Forecasting
  • FBA Stock Replenishment
  • Custom Velocities Kits And Bundles
  • Generate Po's & Maintain Basic Inventory

Additional Integrations $49/mo

Get started


  • Multi-Channel Purchase Forecasting
  • FBA Stock Replenishment
  • Custom Velocities Kits And Bundles
  • Generate Po's & Maintain Basic Inventory

Additional Integrations $49/mo

Get started


  • Multi-Channel Purchase Forecasting
  • FBA Stock Replenishment
  • Custom Velocities Kits And Bundles
  • Generate Po's & Maintain Basic Inventory

Additional Integrations $49/mo

Get started


Contact us
  • Multi-Channel Purchase Forecasting
  • FBA Stock Replenishment
  • Custom Velocities Kits And Bundles
  • Generate Po's & Maintain Basic Inventory

Additional Integrations $49/mo

Get started


Does Planyard support Kits and Bundles?

Planyard was actually designed entirely around the concept of kits & bundles. You get to create your (parent) products, followed by your vendor items (how your vendor calls them). Finally, you can map your SKUs to the correct product/s, with the ability of mapping a single SKU to multiple products, in different pack quantities. Additionally, multiple vendor items can be mapped to a single product, allowing you to buy them from multiple vendors.

Does Planyard support seasons?

Yes, you can create a season, defined by a time frame, and Planyard suggestions will be adjusted around it, adding a percentage to your forecast, or deducting, when you are just past a season.

Does Planyard detect sales trends?

With “Custom Velocities” you can set your system to factor in different time periods, to give you a perfect suggestion that includes trend changes, up or down.

Can I create my PO directly from Planyard?

Absolutely. When using Planyard’s Purchasing module, you can easily grab a list of items and create their respective POs. There are different statuses that can be used to mark the various stages in the production and shipping process.

Can Planyard manage my local stock?

Planyard does maintain a count of your local inventory. You can receive your PO, transfer them to FBA, or make adjustments as needed. FBM sales are automatically being deducted from your inventory.

Can I create my FBA shipments directly from Planyard?

Yes. As soon as you receive your PO, you can immediately create your shipment from within the PO. You can then continue with the Shipyardprogram, or have the shipment plan pushed into Seller Central.

Will Planyard sync my local inventory across marketplaces like Amazon FBM, Walmart, and eBay?

When you turn on the sync option, your inventory will indeed be pushed to your various marketplaces, and automatically adjust, when there’s a sale on a given marketplace.